
Gregory Finkelson

Blog posts October 2022

В последние несколько лет в связи с пандемией COVID-19 сфера международных путешествий переживает нелегкие времена. Многие компании перестали отправлять сотрудников за границу, отменяют конференции и другие мероприятия. Григорий Финкельсон, который специализируется в области международного би...

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To become an immigration counselor in California, several conditions must be met. A license, a surety bond, and credentials are examples of these. You can also charge a fee for your services. It is not difficult to become an immigration counselor in California, but it does require time. You must...

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Seek out a directory of California immigration consultants if you're considering a move to the United States. These experts are allowed to charge fees for their illegal immigration services. But they have to be legal in the state and registered with the Secretary of State. And they have to show t...

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